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openpyxl repository change

Hi everyone, today I have decided to move the official openpyxl repository to a new location:

Why the change ?

Because I am no longer the main contributor on the project, and I felt that I did not have anymore the privilege to have the project tied to my sole name.

Also, as I’m not the only one to work on the project, I started to make pull requests and fork my own repository, which felt a bit awkward.

Finally, I hope that untying the project from me will encourage the growth of an ecosystem around openpyxl. I’ve already written a few tools based on openpyxl who have a live of their own (xlsx-diff for example), and I dream that more people start doing the same, and releasing them as open-source projects that could end up under the openpyxl umbrella.

Will I stay involved in the project ?

Of course, I’ll keep contributing features, based on user requests and needs I find in my daily work. I’m an avid openpyxl user, and most of my contributions solve issues I’m facing personally.

I’ll also keep advocating for openpyxl and its siblings, provide the CI infrastructure for openpyxl, participate in conferences, and write about the project.

Will the previous repository remain online ?

I’m keeping it online for the moment, as I’m sure that it is hardcoded in many people configuration files, makefiles, … but it will eventually be dropped for the reasons I mentioned at the beginning of this post.

My current timeframe is August 1st, 2014.

I have a fork, will I be able to merge it back to the new repository ?

I didn’t find the way to do it automatically using bitbucket, so what I did with my own forks was:

  1. checkout the fork on my laptop
  2. delete the fork from bitbucket
  3. make a new fork, with the same name, based on the new repository
  4. push my local repository to the fork
  5. make a pull request

Will it change again in the future ?

I don’t think so. We set up the openpyxl team on bitbucket, and Atlassian granted it with an academic licence, allowing for an permanent, unlimited amount of contributors.


One response to “openpyxl repository change”

  1. Miguel Zarazua Avatar
    Miguel Zarazua

    Hi Eric
    sorry for this stupid question:
    I just need an example of how to set the cell background color (red, green, yellow, etc)
    I am using openpyxl ver 2.0.3
    I have written all my code, except the styles part (I really do not understand how to apply a new created style to a cell) 🙁
    I have not find any example (for dummies)
    thanks in advance

    best regards
    -miguel zarazua